Piotr Gruszczyński
Piotr Gruszczyński is a theatre critic and dramaturg. Since 2008 he works with Nowy Teatr and Krzysztof Warlikowski. He is the co -author of adaptation of recent Warilkowski’s productions: (A)pollonia, Un tramway (co – production with Odeon Theatre, Paris), The End, African Tales by Shakespeare, Kabaret Warszawski, The French, Phaedres (Odeon Theatre, Paris) and We Are Leaving. Author of first analysis of new polish theatre (Ojcobójcy, 2002) and a book-interview with Warlikowski (Szekspir i uzurpator, also translated into French and Romanian). Lecturer of Theatre Academy in Warsaw. Member of publishing board of “Dialog” (Warsaw) and “Ubu“ (Paris).