Elephas Tiliensis / Dimitris Agartzidis - Despoina Anastasoglou

by James Joyce

An oratorio, ode to daily life, episodes 11 & 18

Elephas Tiliensis was founded in 2013 by Dimitris Agartzidis and Despoina Anastasoglou. The group’s performances are mainly inspired by literary works. Their debut, a stage adaptation of Zyranna Zateli’s Last Year's Fiancee met with great success. Other performances include Alexandria (based on Lawrence Durrell’s The Alexandria Quarter), How Will my Liberator Look Like? (based on Borges’ The House of Asterion), a stage adaptation of Vangelis Raptopoulos’ novel Loula and a stage adaptation of Bergman’s film Persona. This season the duo presents the Cretan pastoral work The Shepherdess at the Neo Kosmos Theatre and Ibsen’s The Lady from the Sea.
The performance to be held at the Athens Festival is based on the episodes Nausicaa and Penelope from Joyce’s magnum opus and will be presented in the form of an oratorio for a popular male singer, a female actor/primadonna, a sexy chorus of women (Sirens) and a music band. Elephas Tiliensis have conceived the performance as a ‘philosophic stand-up comedy’ with Penelope's figure in the centre, mocking the image of Odysseus/Ulysses, which personifies the patriarchal way of thinking and being in the West.

With Greek and English surtitles

Part of Athens - UNESCO World Book Capital 2018. Supported by Athens Culture Net, founding donor: Stavros Niarchos Foundation

Duration 90'

Peiraios 260 (Η)

  • 01/07 until 03/07/2018 at 21:00
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