New seats for Insenso (13, 14 & 15 July)
Due to high demand, new seats have been added for [...]
Advance booking for the Opera Gala at the Ancient Theatre of Messene
We would like to inform you that the advance booking [...]
Προκήρυξη: Παροχή υπηρεσιών φύλαξης
Διακήρυξη για την ανάθεση του έργου "Παροχή υπηρεσιών φύλαξης των [...]
Tonight’s concert of the flying Dutchman has been cancelled
The last concert of the Greek National Opera on Richard [...]
Verdi’s Requiem (14 June) has been cancelled
Due to the ERT (Hellenic Broadcasting Corp) shutdown, the concert of [...]
Special Deals
Πακέτα εισιτηρίων Το Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών σας δίνει και φέτος την [...]
After the performances at Peiraios 260, a coach will make a run between Peiraios 260 and Syntagma square.
After the performances at Peiraios 260, a coach will make [...]
Lycabettus Theatre Programme 2013
The content of this page is only available in Greek.
Phone booking won’t be available between 09:00-13:00
Due to technical problems, phone booking won't be available between [...]
Athens and Epidaurus Festival 2013
This year's programme will soon be available. Συνέντευξη τύπου 2013