For the fourth consecutive year, the Epidaurus Creative Workshop for children will take place concurrently with the performances taking place at the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, every Friday and Saturday at the Xenia Epidaurus (Costume Museum).

Parents and guardians can be fully engrossed in the performances while children explore the content of the plays through creative activities. This artistic and educational workshop is designed for children 4-12 and will run from 20:00 until the end of the Epidaurus performance on that day. The programme is led by a team of experienced theatre educators and teachers specializing in music, movement and the visual arts. This year, the workshop will run parallel to the following performances:

21 & 22 June: Oedipus (Robert Wilson)/ based on Sophocles’ text

28 & 29 June: Oresteia by Aeschylus

5 & 6 July: The Suppliants by Euripides

12 & 13 July: Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

19 & 20 July: Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides

26 & 27 July: Electra – Orestes by Euripides

2 & 3 August: The Clouds by Aristophanes

9 & 10 August: Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus


For more information and applications please visit:

Classes are conducted in Greek and English

Fee per child: 5 euros


Programme coordination: Georgina Kakoudaki, Angeliki Tsakona

Educators: Frantzeska Boutsi, Mara Kalantzi, Elpida Komianou, Anastasia Kordari, Alkistis Vasilakou